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Media query

Allows tracking any media query matching state with Events and Stores.


Uses Window.matchMedia under the hood


Single query

All you need to do is to create an integration by calling trackMediaQuery with query to track an integration options:

  • setup: after this Event all listeners will be installed, and the integration will be ready to use; it is required because it is better to use explicit initialization Event in the application.
  • teardown?: after this Event all listeners will be removed, and the integration will be ready to be destroyed.
import { trackMediaQuery } from '@withease/web-api';

const { $matches, matched } = trackMediaQuery('(max-width: 600px)', {
  setup: appStarted,

Returns an object with:

  • $matches: Store with true if query is matches current state and false if it is not
  • matched: Event fired when query starts to match current state


It supports @@trigger protocol. Since it allows firing only one Event trackMediaQuery triggers matched as a fired in case of @@trigger protocol.

import { trackMediaQuery } from '@withease/web-api';

somethingExpectsTrigger(trackMediaQuery('(max-width: 600px)'));

To use it as a @@trigger protocol you do not have to pass setup and teardown options.

Multiple queries

You can track multiple queries by calling trackMediaQueries with queries to track and integration options:

import { trackMediaQuery } from '@withease/web-api';

const { mobile, desktop } = trackMediaQuery(
  { mobile: '(max-width: 600px)', desktop: '(min-width: 601px)' },
  { setup: appStarted }

mobile.$matches; // Store<boolean>
mobile.matched; // Event<void>

desktop.$matches; // Store<boolean>
desktop.matched; // Event<void>

Live demo

Let us show you a live demo of how it works. The following demo displays a $matches value of the query in the screen. Change the screen size to see how it works.

<script setup>
import { trackMediaQuery } from '@withease/web-api';
import { createEvent } from 'effector';
import { useUnit } from 'effector-vue/composition';
import { onMounted } from 'vue';

const appStarted = createEvent();

const mq = trackMediaQuery('(max-width: 320px)', {
  setup: appStarted,

const matchesSmall = useUnit(mq.$matches);


  <p v-if="matchesSmall">Query matches small viewport</p>
  <p v-else>Query matches normal viewport</p>

Released under the MIT License.