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Geolocation since v1.3.0

Allows tracking geolocation with Events and Stores.


Uses Geolocation API under the hood


All you need to do is to create an integration by calling trackGeolocation with an integration options:

  • maximumAge?: a positive number representing the maximum age in milliseconds of a possible cached position that is acceptable to return. If set to 0, it means that the device cannot use a cached position and must attempt to retrieve the real current position. If set to Infinity the device must return a cached position regardless of its age.
  • timeout?: a positive number representing the maximum length of time (in milliseconds) the device is allowed to take in order to return a position. The maximum value for this attribute is Infinity.
  • enableHighAccuracy?: a boolean that indicates the application would like to receive the best possible results.
import { trackGeolocation } from '@withease/web-api';

const { $location, $latitude, $longitude, request, reporting, watching } =

Returns an object with:

  • $location - Store with the current location in the format { latitude, longitude }
  • $latitude - Store with the current latitude
  • $longitude - Store with the current longitude
  • request - EventCallable that has to be called to get the current location
  • watching - an object with the following properties:
    • start - EventCallable that has to be called to start watching the current location
    • stop - EventCallable that has to be called to stop watching the current location
    • $active - Store with true if watching is started and false if watching is stopped
  • reporting - an object with the following properties:
    • failed - Event that fires when the location request fails

Live demo

Let us show you a live demo of how it works. The following demo displays $latitude and $longitude values. Click "Request geolocation" button to retrieve it.

<script setup>
import { trackGeolocation } from '@withease/web-api';
import { useUnit } from 'effector-vue/composition';

const geo = trackGeolocation();

const { latitude, longitude, request } = useUnit({
  latitude: geo.$latitude,
  longitude: geo.$longitude,
  request: geo.request,

  <p>latitude: {{ latitude }}</p>
  <p>longitude: {{ longitude }}</p>

  <button v-on:click="request">Request geolocation</button>

Additional capabilities

While creating an integration, you can override the default geolocation provider with your custom one. It can be done by passing an array of providers to the trackGeolocation function.

import { trackGeolocation } from '@withease/web-api';

const geo = trackGeolocation({
  /* ... */
  // by default providers field contains trackGeolocation.browserProvider
  // which represents the browser built-in Geolocation API
  providers: [trackGeolocation.browserProvider],

The logic is quite straightforward: integration will call providers one by one until one of them returns the location. The first provider that returns the location will be used.

Regional restrictions

In some countries and regions, the use of geolocation can be restricted. If you are aiming to provide a service in such locations, you use some local providers to get the location of the user. For example, in China, you can use Baidu, Autonavi, or Tencent.

Geolocation integration of @withease/web-api allows to use any provider additionally to the default one provided by the browser. To do so, you need to pass an providers option to the trackGeolocation function.

import { trackGeolocation } from '@withease/web-api';

const geo = trackGeolocation({
  /* ... */
  providers: [
    /* default browser Geolocation API */
    /* your custom providers */

Any provider should conform to the following contract:

/* This type mimics */
type CustomGeolocationPosition = {
  timestamp: number;
  coords: {
    latitude: number;
    longitude: number;
    accuracy?: number;
    altitude?: number;
    altitudeAccuracy?: number;
    heading?: number;
    speed?: number;

/* This type mimics */
type CustomGeolocationError = {
   * You have to map your error codes to the Geolocation API error codes
   * In case of unknown error, you are free to skip this field
   * You can provide a custom message for the error
  message?: string;
   * You can provide a raw error object from your provider
  raw?: unknown;

type CustomProvider = (
  /* All options would be passed from trackGeolocation call */ {
) => {
  /* This function can throw CustomGeolocationError in case of error */
  getCurrentPosition: () => Promise<CustomGeolocationPosition>;
   * This function should call successCallback with the position or errorCallback with the error.
   * Function should return an Unsubscribe function, which should stop watching the position.
  watchPosition: (
    successCallback: (position: CustomGeolocationPosition) => void,
    errorCallback: (error: CustomGeolocationError) => void
  ) => Unsubscribe;
Baidu example

For example, in case of Baidu, you can write something like this:

function baiduProvider({ maximumAge, timeout, enableHighAccuracy }) {
  // Create a Baidu geolocation instance outside of the getCurrentPosition function
  // to avoid creating a new instance every time the function is called
  const geolocation = new BMap.Geolocation();

  const getCurrentPosition = ({ maximumAge, timeout, enableHighAccuracy }) => {
    // getCurrentPosition function should return a Promise
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (r) {
        if (this.getStatus() === BMAP_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
          // in case of success, resolve with the result
            coords: { latitude:, longitude: r.point.lng },
        } else {
          // map Baidu error codes to the Geolocation API error codes
          let code;
          switch (this.getStatus()) {
              code = 'PERMISSION_DENIED';
              code = 'POSITION_UNAVAILABLE';
            case BMAP_STATUS_TIMEOUT:
              code = 'TIMEOUT';

          // reject with the error object
          reject({ code, raw: this.getStatus() });

   * Bailu does not support watching the position
   * so, we have to write an imitation of the watchPosition function
  const watchPosition = (successCallback, errorCallback) => {
    const timerId = setInterval(async () => {
      try {
        const position = await getCurrentPosition();

      } catch (error) {
    }, 1_000);

    return () => clearInterval(timerId);

  return {

const geo = trackGeolocation({
  /* ... */
  providers: [
    /* default browser Geolocation API */
    /* Baidu provider */

Array of providers would be used in the order they are passed to the trackGeolocation function. The first provider that returns the coordinates would be used.

React Native

In case of React Native, it is recommended to use the @react-native-community/geolocation package and do not use navigator.geolocation directly. You can easily achieve this by excluding trackGeolocation.browserProvider from the list of providers.

import ReactNativeGeolocation from '@react-native-community/geolocation';

const geo = trackGeolocation({
  /* ... */
  providers: [


You can pass a Store to providers option to get a way to mock the geolocation provider during testing via Fork API.

import { createStore, fork } from 'effector';
import { trackGeolocation } from '@withease/web-api';

// Create a store with the default provider
const $geolocationProviders = createStore([trackGeolocation.browserProvider]);

// Create an integration with the store
const geo = trackGeolocation({
  /* ... */
  providers: $geolocationProviders,

// during testing, you can replace the provider with your mock
const scope = fork({ values: [[$geolocationProviders, myFakeProvider]] });

That is it, any calculations on the created Scope will use the myFakeProvider instead of the default one.

Released under the MIT License.